Linoleum Knife
"Tomorrowland," "Poltergeist," "The Human Centipede III (Full Sequence)," "When Marnie Was There," "The Film Critic"

Dave and Alonso have BIG EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS! Also we talk about that movie where people's mouths are sewn up to other people's keesters. Subscribe (and review us) at iTunes, like our Facebook page, follow us @linoleumcast, and this time it's not my fault.

Linoleum Knife is brought to you by, the Home of the Unboring Home. Use discount code KNIFE to take 20% off any Lighting purchase.

Dave's DVD pick of the week: TOWNES VAN ZANDT: BE HERE TO LOVE ME

Alonso's DVD pick of the week: MEET THE ROBINSONS

Direct download: Linoleum_20150523.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:08pm PST