Linoleum Knife
LKTV 006: The Wiz Live!, It's Your 50th Christmas Charlie Brown, The Great Holiday Baking Show, Perry Como's Christmas Show, Roseanne, The Golden Girls, Nigella Lawson

Musical extravaganzas, food preparation, holiday episodes, and yet another episode of Manimal -- that's just a sample of what you'll get from Dave and Alonso on this latest podcast of the television. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @linoleumcast, review us (and subscribe) on iTunes, thank you world!

Check out Hello Blondie and get 20% off with code word LINOLEUM.

Dave's pick of the week: That Jennifer Aniston Aveeno spot where she pretends to make a smoothie.

Alonso's pick of the week: THE GATHERING

Direct download: LKTV_20151204.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST