Linoleum Knife

Dave and Alonso return to discuss streaming titles and ones opening only in theaters (to which they do not recommend you return, no matter how good the movies might be). Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, just love me, love me.

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Dave's streaming pick of the week: NATIONAL VELVET

Alonso's streaming pick of the week: FEMME FATALE

Direct download: Linoleum_20200824.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

In the countdown to the End of Super Gay!, Johnny shares his obsession with C-list anti-villain Catman. A nemesis of Batman and avid fan of Catwoman, who first appeared in Gotham in the early 1960s, Catman’s reimagining as a traumatized, recovered and now (kinda) out-bisexual non-hero was masterminded by Gail Simone, in the series’ "Villains United" and "Secret Six," from DC Comics in the 2000’s. Find out why Johnny identifies with this disaffected rich kid ne’er-do-well who dresses up like a giant ginger housecat.

This episode of Super Gay! is brought to you by Linoleum Knife Podcast.

Direct download: supergay_catman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:50pm PST

Dave and Alonso love a new adaptation, and discover a film they dig and one they don't are perfectly antithetical. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, something's coming over me.

Join our club, won't you?

Dave's DVD pick of the week: IT FOLLOWS

Alonso's DVD pick of the week: THE SECRET GARDEN (1993)

Direct download: Linoleum_20200809.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10pm PST

Dave and Alonso travel to far-flung locales with Beyoncé and Gemma Arterton, visit the queer past, and witness the scariest Zoom meeting ever. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, 'til I find the righteous one, computer blue.

Join our club, won't you?

Dave's streaming pick of the week: NIGHTFALL

Alonso's streaming pick of the week: GAYBY

Direct download: Linoleum_20200803.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:50pm PST