Linoleum Knife

Dave and Alonso discuss films by and about women, including some new docs, as well as a new-to-us Portuguese classic. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you've got to be insane that green Jesus.

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Alonso's DVD pick of the week: ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

In our penultimate, giant-size episode, Alex shares his obsession with Marvel’s bald goddess of the mind, Moondragon. A member (and antagonist) of the Avengers, Defenders, Infinity Watch and Guardians of the Galaxy, Moondragon has been a major player in Marvel’s cosmic comics for five decades, appearing in Thanos-centered stories by artist and writer Jim Starlin since 1973. Adn, from the mid-2000s to the present, Moondragon, née Heather Douglas, has been in a queer relationship with alien super heroine Phyla Vell. Johnnie helps Alex process his deep over-identification with this self-defeating, arrogant, and morally superior character who once appeared on his birthday cake.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss three movies that address contemporary politics in very different ways, as well as a classic that's both charming and dark. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, that's all.

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Dave's streaming pick of the week: MAYAK

Alonso's streaming pick of the week: A GREAT DAY IN HARLEM

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:25pm PST

Dave and Alonso reach 500 episodes, and we couldn't have done it without y'all, so thank you. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but look how much I've gained.

We talked about Beau Travail in more detail on an earlier episode.

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Dave's DVD pick of the week: FIRST COW

Alonso's streaming pick of the week: REAL LIFE

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss two streaming titles better suited for the big screen and a documentary that's both personal and political. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, turn on my VCR, same one I've had for years.

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Dave's Blu-ray pick of the week: THE T.A.M.I SHOW

Alonso's Blu-ray pick of the week: SHANGHAI TRIAD

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss a quartet of films that take a, shall we say, unique view of history, to varying degrees. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, such a country in the city.

Join our club, won't you?

Streaming recommendations: Outfest Encore Week and The Films of Arthur Bressan, Jr. (NSFW)

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:40pm PST