Mon, 31 May 2021
Dave and Alonso start making their way back into movie theaters. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, just say the word. Join our club, won't you? Dave's DVD pick of the week: WOJNAROWICZ Alonso's DVD pick of the week: WHO IS HARRY NILSSON (AND WHY IS EVERYBODY TALKIN' ABOUT HIM)? |
Mon, 24 May 2021
Dave and Alonso have more to say about the festival films than the zombie movie, go figure. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, the causeway by the big hotels. Join our club, won't you? |
Tue, 18 May 2021
Dave and Alonso teased a topic of discussion, and then forgot it, and then added it as an epilogue, so LISTEN ALL THE WAY TO THE END. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, the one with the waggily tail. Join our club, won't you? |
Mon, 10 May 2021
Dave and Alonso discuss some fascinating documentaries and reissues, but they have issues with the new narrative movies. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, with glasses. Join our club, won't you? Alonso's streaming pick of the week: WHEN HARRY MET SALLY... |
Mon, 3 May 2021
Dave and Alonso catch up with new releases, a controversial Oscar-winner, and a gorgeous short film. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, strike it up. Join our club, won't you? Dave's Blu-ray pick of the week: ATHENA Alonso's streaming pick of the week: BINGO, BRIDESMAIDS AND BRACES |