Linoleum Knife

Dave and Alonso crank up one last mini-episode before sticking a fork in 2022. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, next year all our troubles will be far away.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20221220.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55pm PST

Dave and Alonso invite you to join them for an extra-long *600th* episode. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, waited so long.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20221208.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:35pm PST

Dave and Alonso review some new movies and a couple we're catching up with. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, good afternoon!
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Direct download: Linoleum_20221201_a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm PST

Dave and Alonso have both seen only one of these movies, but they cover the waterfront. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Instagram, Twitter(?) and Facebook, m-m-m-my policeman.

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Catch Alonso on CNN's Tis the Season, premiering November 27.

Check out The Design Hazards Podcast from the folks behind

Direct download: Linoleum_20221118.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm PST

Dave and Alonso manage not to sing the title of the new Harry Styles to the tune of "My Bologna." Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, forget about your job.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20221109.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm PST

Dave and Alonso recommend everything this week, which is a rarity. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, there'll be parties for hosting.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20221102.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25pm PST

Dave and Alonso have disagreements this week. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, my baby drives a Peterbilt.

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This episode of Linoleum Knife is sponsored by -- use promo code LINOLEUM to get 50% off your first three months.

Direct download: Linoleum_20221024.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss an eclectic bunch of awards-season movies. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, hindsight is 20/20.

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This episode of Linoleum Knife is brought to you by -- use promo code "LINOLEUM" to take 50% off the first three months of your subscription.

Direct download: Linoleum_20221012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25pm PST

Dave and Alonso have some movies you should see. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, sometimes sometimes sometimes.
Join our club, won't you?
[CW: the plot synopsis of God's Creatures includes rape]
Direct download: Linoleum_20221006.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:29pm PST

Dave and Alonso have spoilers, but we save them for the very end. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, bleu de chanel.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220928.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm PST

Dave and Alonso review three very different movies about women in dangerous situations, and they pay tribute to one of the key architects of the French New Wave. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, ba de yah.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220921_a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm PST

Dave and Alonso are back after a long absence. Let the catching up begin! Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, you've got the motion.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220911.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Dave and Alonso tackle a very mixed bag of movies (and pay tribute to their Xanadu queen). Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, nothing can stand in our way.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220810.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:55pm PST

Dave and Alonso disagree (with spoilers) about Jordan Peele's latest, but not until the very end of the episode, with plenty of advance warning. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, we will spread our ashes round the yard.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220729.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:35pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss a variety of Strong Female Protagonists, plus a remake that Alonso insisted Dave see. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you're a real tough cookie.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220723.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss the movie about terminal cancer and god's silence, which is not the Claire Denis movie. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, I wouldn't call that living.

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Direct download: Linoileum_20220715.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm PST

Dave and Alonso dig into some international arthouse cinema this week. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, the full-length velvet glove hides the fist.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220708.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm PST

Dave and Alonso take on very different examples of what constitutes a "summer movie." Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, then I've got none.

Join our club, won't you?

Alonso's streaming pick: ZERO PATIENCE

Direct download: Linoleum_20220701.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm PST

Dave and Alonso like things and also not like things. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, from up above down to my VTR.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220622.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm PST

Dave and Alonso dig into a very mixed bag, including the least Judy Garland Judy Garland movie that Judy Garland ever made. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and then I go and spoil it all.

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Watch FUTURA on

Direct download: Linoleum_20220616.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm PST

Dave and Alonso dig into queer-in-different-ways explorations of past, present, and future. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, are you afraid.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220609.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm PST


Dave and Alonso are joined by their good friend Mary Jo Pehl for a not-Clean discussion about the return of Mystery Science Theater 3000, her stand-up comedy entrepreneurship, and her wonderful new book Dumb Dumb Dumb: My Mother's Book Reviews.

Want more LKTV? Join our club.

Direct download: LKTV_-_Mary_Jo_Pehl_-_1_-_mix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50am PST

Dave and Alonso discuss the anti-colonial homosocial sorta-musical action epic that's sweeping the globe. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, panda go panda go panda.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220602.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30pm PST

Dave and Alonso review three movies that have more in common than you might think. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, danger zone.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220526.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am PST

Dave and Alonso catch up with some smaller titles before the summer onslaught begins. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, we could have a whale of a time.

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Blu-ray PIcks of the Week: TIMES SQUARE and ALMOST SUMMER

Direct download: Linoleum_20220519.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm PST

Dave and Alonso talk about some international titles of note, and an early Busby Berkeley extravaganza. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, spin a little web of dreams.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220509.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm PST

Dave and Alonso are both really excited about one new movie this week, and it's not the one with the levitating cloak. Subscribe and review us on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, my name is not Susan.

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Alonso's Blu-ray pick of the week: THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT

Direct download: Linoleum_20220503.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm PST

Dave and Alonso cover the waterfront, from brutal to meta to haunting to cute. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, got to get you into my life.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220426.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30pm PST

Dave and Alonso are sorry this episode is so late, but for what it's worth it's mostly catch-up anyway. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, I ain't gonna cry no more.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220422.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm PST

Dave and Alonso check out some bold new movies (and revisit one of their 2021 faves on the big screen. Subscribe (and review us) on Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, I'm alive.

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Other Music Blu-ray
Memoria book
TCM puzzle

Direct download: Linoleum_20220413.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Alonso and Robert Abele (LA Times, TheWrap) discuss the knockout new movie by Daniels as it goes into wide release. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you're my lady.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: LK_-_EEAAO__-_1_-_mix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45am PST

Dave and Alonso go from worst to best -- where will they start? Where will they end? Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, drive it like you stole it.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220405.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Dave and Alonso are thrilled to make this episode of LKTV available to the general public so you can hear our conversation with the hilarious and talented Jeff Hiller from the HBO hit "Somebody Somewhere." We discuss small-town church gays, Drew Droege pronunciation drills, the power of a good lamp, and much more.

For more LKTV, join our club at 

Direct download: LKTV_with_Jeff_Hiller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss the many strange choices on display at the Academy Awards, along with some cool new (and old) movies. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, woman.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220329.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm PST

Dave and Alonso review some new thrillers and some reissues of recent classics. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, spread love along the way.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220322.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss the sublime, the ridiculous, and all points in between. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast, pop pop pop.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220316.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm PST

Dave and Alonso really enjoyed three movies that occupy opposite ends of the spectrums. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, she'll rip out your hair.

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Blu-ray Pick of the Week: HESTER STREET

Direct download: Linoleum_20220309.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Dave and Alonso are back with reviews of five new movies; thanks for your patience. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, there may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer.

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Streaming pick of the week: STOP-LOSS

Direct download: Linoleum_20220302.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm PST

Dave and Alonso review nine new (and not-new) movies in an extra-long episode before taking off a few weeks to deal with a deadline. Enjoy! Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, she says, she says.

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Streaming pick of the week: OBVIOUS CHILD

Direct download: Linoleum_20220212.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:04pm PST

Dave and Alonso play catch-up and preview the latest from one of their favorite Scandinavian filmmakers. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, a stick, a stone, it's the end of the road.

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Breaking into freelance writing doesn’t take an MFA or a ton of published articles. Really, you only need a couple of basics and Amber Petty is teaching those in her new workshop: Start Writing Now & Get Your First Byline. You’ll find out how freelance writing works, get a list of 250 places looking for pitches, and you’ll get some writing done in class. It’s 60 minutes on Zoom and it’s free! The last few workshops are this week. To find the best date and time for you, go to

Direct download: Linoleum_20220202.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss five notable new releases, only one of which is in English. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcast, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, bet they collect things like ashtrays and art.

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This episode of Linoleum Knife is sponsored by Amber Petty: Sign up for her Start Writing Now & Get Your First Byline workshop; there are six opportunities Jan. 27 and Feb. 4. Sign up at

Direct download: Linoleum_20220126.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:27pm PST

Dave and Alonso look back at the year just past with a stellar panel of guests: Robert Abele (TheWrap, LA Times), Justin Change (LAT), Manohla Dargis (NYT), and Peter Debruge (Variety). We all managed to find films to love even in a year when the pandemic hurt the already-struggling world of theatrical distribution. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, sitting by the window watching the snow fall.

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This episode of Linoleum Knife is sponsored by Amber Petty: Sign up for her Start Writing Now & Get Your First Byline workshop; there are six opportunities Jan. 7 and Feb. 4. Sign up at

Direct download: Linoleum_20220116.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm PST

Dave and Alonso pick through some January titles but mostly look back on recent favorites. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, they got a name for the winners in the world.

Join our club, won't you?

Direct download: Linoleum_20220111.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm PST

Dave and Alonso discuss some of the year-end's most talked-about movies, with some spoilers and a brief discussion of an old Clint Eastwood film for good measure. Subscribe (and review us) at Apple Podcasts, follow us @linoleumcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and our hearts that beat as one.

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Direct download: Linoleum_20220104.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11pm PST

Dave and Alonso round out their week of Patreon free samples with a clean-language version of their weekly show about anything and everything. This time, we answer questions from our subscribers -- and if you'd like to hear Linoleum Nights on a regular basis, subscribe!

Direct download: LN_20220102.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm PST